Weekend Writing Warriors – 6/16/24 – Little Reminders of Who I Am – Meant for the Task

Hey, Weekend Writing Warriors. Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there. Although I don’t think there are any regulars who read this. I do want to remember our late dad, Ed Hoornaert. He was, and I suppose still is, an inspiration to us all and Effing Feline always made us laugh. I’m sure we all miss him dearly.

I know many of us are older, but how many of us still have our father’s still around? My dad passed away when I was nine and my mom never remarried. I never had a dad to celebrate Dad’s Day with. BUT I have four sons and a daughter. Guess I am making up for it in different ways in how I am a father to them.

No, I don’t have a Father’s Day snippet, but I am moving on from The Five Barred Gate II and moving back into our love story Little Reminders of Who I Am. I hope to stay here for a bit since I am starting from page one.

God bless everyone, now let’s get into it!!


Aaron Stephenson loves his job. As food critic for the popular Houston Gazette, he gets to sample the best cuisine at the finest eateries in Houston without paying a dime. And because there are so many great restaurants in Houston, he doesn’t have to visit the same establishment twice… unless he wants to.

But when Aaron stops in at Davies Deli, a non-descript, off-the-beaten-path, family-owned diner, he suddenly realizes he wants to come back;

But it has to do more with the owners’ brown haired, green eyed daughter, Deborah than the delicious food.
Aaron and Deborah feel a mutual attraction. But Deborah has a secret that could change everything.

And then there is Carter…


Monday is Memory Monday
We remember an important event that occurred on that Monday or sometime that week.

Tuesday is Two Twenty-Two Tuesday
A weekly vlog where I talk about writing or something that’s been on my heart, all in two minutes and twenty-two seconds. — I am way behind on this… sorry.
This is posted on my YouTube channel.

Wednesday is when I post my blog for the week.
I speak from my heart on various topics from writing to faith.

Thursday is This or That Thursday
A weekly two-option poll that raises the question, do you like this, or do you prefer that?
I host this on this on Twitter, IG, and Facebook.

Friday is Fun Fact Friday
I find and share interesting or obscure facts on my pages.

Saturday is for Weekend Writing Warriors
Saturday is for Snippets from a current piece or past work.

Featured Titles

In His Exciting Service,

Jeff S. Bray

4 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors – 6/16/24 – Little Reminders of Who I Am – Meant for the Task

    1. He was my favorite character to write. It was hard to say goodbye to him at the end of the third book. But it was a fun ride. I hope more readers would pick the books up, they are great reads.


  1. Hope you’ve had a wonderful Father’s Day Jeff! And, yes, I remember Ed. We were just talking about him the other day, and the wonderful stories he’d written.

    Great snippet this week.

    Liked by 1 person

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