The Transference

Detective James β€œGrady” Gradiosa, is a Savanah Georgia detective who is a recent transfer from Atlanta. He is placed under the charge of Lieutenant Daniel Masters, a gruff 27-year Major Crimes veteran. They are handed a case that will change their lives. Grady is the first to see the abnormalities. But will the rest of the team listen in time? There is a murderer on the loose in South GA. For some reason, the killer leaves their final victim alive just before committing suicide by cop. But why? Masters and Grady must find out before it’s too late and the next killer strikes again.

The Transference is available on Amazon. Purchase your copy today!!

7/13/2022: Just got home from another book appearance for The Transference. While this one didn’t go as well as the first, it was great meeting new people and signing books for fans. The ebbs and flows of business will always be a mystery. One week you can have people coming out of the woodwork, the next not so much. But all is good. Had some sales and got to meet and talk to some great people. I thank Audrey and Sunshine House Coffee for hosting me for two weeks. You are such a blessing to me. I love your business and hope to continue to write under your roof and be inspired by your wonderful flavors and atmosphere.

7/7/2022: Had the first book signing yesterday. It was an amazing experience. Not as big as expected, but wonderful nonetheless. I enjoyed meeting everyone who came out and supported me and The Transference. A lot had happened in our community during the week and the paper had to bump the book’s story. So the turnout was most likely lower than it could have been. I had some people mention that they were unaware of my being there. Could they have known if the piece were in the paper? Maybe. I did blast my appearance across social media, not sure if I could’ve done more.

I have spoken to Sunshine House Coffee and the owner asked me to come back. So, I will do another signing next Wednesday. And the paper said the article will appear next week; barring any other circumstances. I will try another week of social media blitzing, and maybe work to find another method to advertise. I wish I had more Littler Reminders books, I sold out of the ones I did have and sold a few Elissa books. I hope to have a little better turnout with the ad in the paper. I will start to advertise again on Monday.

6/30/2022: I have been so busy that I have not given an update. Here we are, The Transference is available in all forms on Amazon. I am getting reports from everywhere that people are reading and enjoying the book so far. No final reviews yet. I am nervous about that one. I am nervous about seeing those first stars appear on Amazon. It is still surreal that this book is available. I keep saying it, but it has been a long road, and to have it finally here… just wow.

I’ve inked the first appearance. I’ll be having a book signing at Sunshine House Coffee on July 9. I have no idea what to expect. All my signings have been at libraries. This will definitely be an experience. I have 20 paperbacks and hope to have 10 hardbound. They still haven’t arrived and Monday is a holiday. So it will take a small miracle for them to get to me on time. But I do believe in those, so I will be praying. There are still three shipping days, we shall see.

There will also be an article in that day’s paper. I did that interview this week. It was fun getting to speak with Rebecca again about another book. I enjoy this part, telling the story behind the book, and as I’ve mentioned, this one has a huge story.

6/17/2022: Here we go, everyone!! The Transference is now available to the public in paperback and hardbound. Ebook is still to come. I am excited that we are now finally to this point to offer this book to you. It has been a looooong time coming. Almost two years I have been working on this piece. now here we are: release day. I hope you enjoy it. And that it leaves you on the edge of your seat as I have anticipated it, and wrote it to be. Visit Amazon at the link above and purchase your copy today!!

6/14/2022: Here it is. The full-wrap cover. Now we are just waiting for it all to be put together. A small pause in the action with my editor taking a much-needed break from the busyness of his hectic life. Believe me, he deserves it. We look to get things rolling next week. Stay tuned. I hope to get this on the shelf by the end of the month. I just have one minor fix on the paperback version.
Below is the hardbound cover.

5/27/2022: Yes, I am glad I took the time to go through for errors. There weren’t many, but enough to where I would’ve been kicking myself if I had just hit send. That and I was able to fix the contraction problems I had been struggling with. You may have noticed it in my other works. Yes, I have a contraction issue. One day I may go back through other novels and correct them for future readers. My characters sound like robots at times. Ugh. But I know that for The Transference, everyone will be robot free. My problem comes from a client I worked with for two years as a Freelance Writer. They forbade contractions. It spilled over into my novel writing I suppose. I never realized it until I went back to reread my works… my published works. I am glad I caught it for this work. This, my best yet, I feel. Now completely edited and in the hands of the publisher to finalize the edits and then to final formatting. We should be ready for print, if he is quick, within a couple of weeks. –fingers crossed– I hope to have a full cover jacket by the end of the week.

5/22/2022: I received the final proof and am going through my read-through. I was just going to give it a quick glance, but I did that with Little Reminders and ended up sending through a bunch of missed errors. No one’s fault, but that final read-through edit is always needed. So, we’re already behind, another week won’t hurt. It started with fixing the robotic contractions. It will sound so much better now. Even if I missed a few of them. My goal is to finish by the end of the week and send it back to Mike. We will see how it goes.

5/18/2022: Well, yes the original May 11, 2022 release date has come and gone. The publishing company and I are still in the middle of completing final edits and I still would like to do a final readthrough before we go live with it. We are in the home stretch, though. We are in chapter 27 of 34 of our final edit. I am grateful for this edit though. They are so insightful and pick up on things I had overlooked. I am blessed to have such an amazing publisher. As I have said, the delay is worth it. I will have more info for you as it comes. I am anxious to get this book out and into your hands.

5/9/2022: We are two days out from the expected release day, but I do not expect this to be the official date, unless they go live, with a delay in delivery. We are still in the middle of final edits and I received a couple of clarification edits from the publisher today. We are at Chapter 16 of 34; halfway there. So, with them emailing me when they have a question, I’m watching my inbox like a hawk.

5/5/2022: Well ladies and gents. Here it is. The cover for The Transference. We have to adjust the genre from Crime Thriller to Crime Suspense. I figured we were on the fence between the two and I am fine with that I figured it was closer to Suspense anyway. Thriller was more jump out at you, this is more edge of your seat. There are more factors that led me to Thriller, but I will leave that alone because I don’t want to give too much away. Well, now I can begin to promote the you-know-what out of this book. I am excited and I hope you are too. The Transference is on schedule. May 11th. Amazon should be the first to get it.5/9/2022

4/16/2022: Yesterday I was assured that I am next on the list for book covers. Even if May 11 will be the release date, I don’t think I will be doing a promotion soon. I still need to order books and get them shipped. A bit disappointed, but as with all things, God is in control and He has a plan. I will rest in that. I am also doing a Bible study on anxiety. It has brought to light that I need to tone things down a bit. While I don’t see myself as an anxious person, I do at times worry a bit too much about certain things when time is a factor. But I am working on it. And this could be the test I need to chill out a bit. And so I chill. I will update you when I get that cover image.

3/18/2022: Yes, another month has gone by and still no cover. But I am assured that it is on the way. The last update I heard was that I was next in line. I will admit I am getting nervous. We are a month and a half away from release and I still don’t have a cover to begin promotion. And that makes me nervous about production. I know that once a cover is inked production should be a sinch, but I would like the assurance that I have that cover. I was just hoping to have a bunch of time to promote it and get some appearances under my belt. We shall see. Maybe I am overthinking it. I tend to do that…

2/18/2022: Just a quick update. We are still waiting for a cover design. Quickly spoke to the publisher this week via email. He said they are swamped with work and that The Transference is next in line. How long this means is anyone’s guess. A week? Two? A month. I hope not that long. We will take it day by day. Thanks for stopping by.

2/5/22: I am hoping to get the cover design this week for The Transference. The publisher is busy getting books out, so this is if their designer had the time to work on my book. I plan to email him on Wednesday. I will keep you updated. I am excited to start promoting this novel and a cover design is all I am lacking.

8/20/2021: Finished the final edit at the end of last week. Started the final read-through this week. Didn’t get as far as I would have liked to this week. Smoothing off the final edges was not as easy as I anticipated. I am trying to read this as a reader would and I am finding where the snags are, then smoothing them out. The main issue is there are areas where this book can get a bit confusing and I am trying to eliminate this. The main issue is with one character. I am trying to make him unique, but in doing that I feel I have made him too complicated. I know this because, on the read-through, even I am having a difficult time understanding him. So, if I am struggling as the Author, you will be lost as well. So I am simplifying his language. I just hope I don’t overdo it. I want you to be entertained, but not lost. Well, back to it. Have a great weekend.

8/5/2021: Reached the halfway point today on my editing. Making greater progress than I thought. More thanks to my day job is slower than anticipated. Boo on that part, because I need to work, but Yay that I get to get this to my publisher that much sooner. Maybe even get the release date bumped up. Who knows. Would be nice. That is my thought about getting the edits done quicker.

Editing has been back and forth. Fixing the things that I wanted to the first time. It has been an adventure. My iron has been hot and I am loving every minute of it. Writing is one thing, but editing is another. I am one of the lucky ones. Many writers do not like the editing process. I enjoy it, it is fun for me. I think it is also part of my meticulous nature. It is MY baby and no one else is going to touch it but me. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Well, back to getting these words in the order I want them in and getting this book into your hands to read. Thanks again for your support and prayers.

7/21/2021: First four edited and submitted. I will keep you updated on the status of publication and production dates. I am excited about this one. It is far different than what I have ever written. Now begins the process of a full edit. My goal is to edit a chapter a day amidst the schedule I keep of my writing job. If I do not have a task, editing will be the job I do.

Wish me luck.

7/19/2021: Today I finally completed the first draft of The Transference. Oh my am I exhausted. I cannot believe it is finally finished. It has been well over a year, according to this thread, a year and five months, since I began penning this novel. In case you have forgotten it began as a crazy dream I had in 2019 (As all my novels do) I wrote it down and sat on it. I felt the impression that I had to do something with it, but with the subject matter did not feel I could write it. But the feeling kept nagging at me, so I began penning it. The Transference is a much darker novel than I have ever written. But that is not to say that is doesn’t carry the Christian theme I have devoted to, it does. It just approaches it in a different fashion. I believe this is one of the reasons it took me so long to write.

So now I begin the editing process and I now prepare to submit it to WordCrafts Press, my publisher. How it works is I edit the first four chapters, then submit a proposal to them. They give me the green light and I complete the full edit and I submit the final copy when it is completed. I hope to have this done by the end of the year. I don’t see it taking that long, so I really hope to have this on the shelves by the end of the year. The only delay that would take place is on the publisher’s end. With COVID, who knows how long that will be.

I appreciate everyone’s support and prayers through the writing and completion of this novel. I could not have gotten through it without you. God Bless and now I must turn the page and find the next project. I have a journal filled with dreams and it’s time to find the next adventure.

7/9/2021: Another two chapters written and I see the light at the end of the tunnel, now I just have to bridge the gap. I know the ending, I just have to solve the issue of getting to where I am now to there. My issue right now is that I have too much time between now and then on my hands. I have an even that needs to occur between now and the ending, but too much time for it to occur in. I don’t like time-hopping too much, I like smooth transitions. And to do three of them in a row would be too choppy. (I just did a small one to get me to where I am right now in the book)

I haven’t gotten any word about a new task from my client, so I will spend the rest of today (Friday) writing, unless Carolyn wants to go out, and then tomorrow as well. Hopefully, I can get to the finale by then. I just want to get this completed and into the editing phase. I have spent over a year writing this book when normally I can knock out a book in two to three months.

Here’s to the best for Grady and his team and the ending of The Transference. Have a great weekend everyone.

6/22/21: I thought I had written an update since my last one, but I suppose I haven’t. I have written many Weekend Writing Warrior snippets giving the first four or five chapters of the novel. Maybe that is why I feel I have updated this page. As for a summary, here is what happened. Yes, I have switched MCs. Daniel Masters is no longer the MC. Grady assumed the lead in a hostile takeover. Well, maybe not so hostile. He belonged there. It is funny how things happen that way. The longer I wrote the story, the easier it became to leave him in the driver’s seat.

I attempted to complete the novel during NaNoWriMo 2020 but suffered a pretty big seizure that took me out of play for well over a week. I barely recovered in time for Thanksgiving. I was not even able to complete NaNo. I almost did. I was 5K shy of it. I am still struggling to complete this book today. However, I do feel it is one of my best yet. Although I said that about Little Reminders. I guess it is my best from a different angle; a Crime Mystery. I just completed Chapter 27 last night, and beginning Chapter 28 once I close this entry. Wish me the best, and thank you for your continued support.

8/25/2020: ****I am considering switching MCs. As I am writing this my focus has been on Grady. And it feels more of a Grady novel than Masters. I have written an alternative Synopsis. And am toying with it. I am in the middle of chapter eight now and I can’t seem to get the focus back on Masters without a complete rewrite.****

8/9/2020: I hope you have been enjoying the snippets of this still yet to be titled novel through Weekend Writing Warriors. If you have not seen any of them, you can follow them through my WeWriWa blog tab. I started with Chapter One and haven’t skipped a beat as of yet. Not sure how much I will put up yet, but as of right now I am at chapter two. I may go as far as three. Who knows. Please go check them out, and let me know what you think!! Links to them all are in the 7/18 post below.

3/16/2020: In pretty much of a stall pattern right now as I do a little bit of research on my topic. I kinda jumped into writing this from the hip. I had a bit of an outline written and I did not get as in-depth as I usually do. I went with more of a Pantster mindset. Now I am having to double-check a few things before I move on.

Currently, I am in the middle of chapter six. As I have said, some of my Google searches are going to have people concerned about me should they ever see my history. I have also connected on LinkedIn with a couple of Forensic Scientists. They post photos of blood splatters and analyze them. It is very interesting.

2/23/2020: This is my new work that I began working on today. I actually began with the concept about six months ago. Yes, this is based on another dream. And once I reveal the premise and synopsis, some of you will question my sanity. But I feel this will be a very interesting piece and one of the most odd things I have ever written.

It will also be one of the most darkest pieces I have ever written. I am not sure at this point were the Christian element will come into it. But I know it will surface at some point. (See, I already have some of you intrigued.)

It has yet to be titled as I only have one chapter written. But follow this tab and I will have updates and will let you know about ideas I have had and eventual titles. Maybe even a snippet or two.

I will give you this much. It is a Crime Drama. That is right now the best description I can give it. I would like to say it is a Christian Crime Drama, but like I said, I am not sure how the Christian aspect will enter into it at this moment.

So pray for me that God directs me in how to approach this work and give glory to his name in such a difficult genre to write in.

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