The Answer to All Your Fears


From the outside looking in, one would think that a writer would be licking their chops over writing on a global issue like what is going on in the world right now. Just having the opportunity of their words being read and picked up through some fancy wordplay or their unique insight on what the powers that be should or shouldn’t do. But I have chosen to remain silent, tucked away, practicing social distancing, even from posting on Social Media. It is not who I am. So, I have been more of a troll, watching everything from the sidelines, reading posts, and verbally commenting at my screen.

The Voice He Has Given for Fears

Through the process of my job, I was asked to write an article with a Coronavirus theme. I was reluctant, but it is my job, and was getting paid, so I did it. I have another client that I write for asking for a themed article. Writing this piece would be a matter of choice as I do not get paid from this client. But I am half-way tempted to pen it. After all, why should I allow this opportunity to pass and not be heard? Not from my voice, but the voice that God has given me.

What’s different here? This piece would not be about the governmental aspect of the issue. It is about what is going on in the hearts of people because of it; they are become afraid.

People Have Fears

This is not about who is right or wrong, what the government should be doing, or when it should happen; this is about the fear that people are feeling right now. None of the governmental ‘doings’ matter. People are afraid, even if none of this is real. So, what are we as men and women of God doing about that? Running to the store and stocking up is not doing anything to calm the fears of brothers and sisters who are so afraid they won’t go outside, not to shop or even attend a church service. Those who are even too afraid to open their front door.

Fear is an easy thing to cultivate, especially in today’s social media age. All it takes is one halfway credible post for all heck to break loose. The proof is what we are witnessing today. We are seeing that social media can go a long way to spreading news, both true and false; that causes a lot of pandemonium. It is causing many to overreact and do things they would not normally do. “Love thy neighbor” is thrown out the door, and “survival of the fittest” is now the mantra of the heart.

Breakdown of Society Because of Fears

It is discouraging to witness the overnight breakdown of society. Seeing one man fight over the quantity of toilet paper the other one is buying. What is going on here? (And what does TP have to do with having a cold?) Why do we have to behave this way? I guess it is no wonder people are afraid. They witness stuff like this melee, and they are scared it will happen to them – fearing the loss of what they already have. If I board myself in, no one can touch me. Isolation. Sounds like a pretty good idea, right? But to segregate yourself out of fear is not healthy.

This inaction due to fear can cause a world of hurt. This is not what ‘social distancing’ means. If you need to go someplace, go. There should not be a fear in living your life. Yes, there is a long list of things we are not able to do right now, but some things are necessary. Among them is making sure your family is taken care of. Work is a given; that is unless your job is among one of the ones impacted by the closures.

Food is another. Yes, sooner or later you will have to get among the crowd and get groceries. It may be difficult and may require a couple of trips, due to what’s available and limits in place, but we must do what needs to be done. Hopefully, a sense of duty will overcome the nervousness one feels about the ‘what-if’s’ of the situation.

Help Through Your Fears

If you need help, ask. Do not be afraid to ask a brother or sister in Christ for assistance. If anything, message me and I will see you get the help you need. We are all in this together, and you don’t have to leave your home to ask for help.

Also, brothers and sisters who have fear under control, I challenge you to help others. Consider those who may not be able to get out or who deal with the fears we have mentioned. Be not only an arm of help, but an ear of understanding.

Fear Not My Child

The Bible is definitely not silent on the subject of fear. It has been said that there are 365 ‘fear not’ verses in God’s Word, or one for every day of the year. Well, at this point it seems like we can burn every one of those in a week. One of the most popular of those is 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.” Man, we could really use that one right now.  

We don’t have to be afraid, but when we are, Psalm 56:3 encourages us, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.” Psalm 34:4 reinforces this, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Once we seek Him, He promises to hear us and to deliver us.

It does not mean that the Coronavirus will disappear or that the issues with the world will go away. It does not mean that your fridge will be stocked or that your job will be saved from the economic shock that may come.  What it does mean is that you will have the assurance that God has it all under control and that whatever happens, He will be there for you and your family.

Two more promises from His Word for you:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. “– Philippians 4:6-7

Photo by Chinmay Singh from Pexels

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